Center City Students

Educational Technologies


Studio is a tool within Canvas that lets educators and learners easily add video files into course content — assignments, pages, quizzes, announcements, etc. Studio analytics allows educators to see who is watching and listening to files and if learners are watching entire files or skipping around. Studio also supports the addition of machine-generated closed captioning to your videos.

Accessing Studio

Studio is integrated directly within Canvas and accessible from the left-hand side navigation within a course, as well as your main Canvas navigation. If not already visible within your course, enable the Studio menu item for your course by going to Settings > Navigation and then drag the Studio menu item into the top "enabled" section of the page. Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page to save the new navigation setting.

Learning Resources

Written Guides



Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation with our Educational Technology Support team for one-on-one support.